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Children’s book, My Bully and Me by D. Viverito and illustrated by M. Kohlas

Books are simply one of the best ways to initiate discussions, learn about others and increase empathy. I recently had the privilege of  writing a review for this new children’s book, My Bully and Me. This book would make a great addition to your home, school and community library.  You can also join their facebook page here.  Thank you! 🙂




Review for “My Bully and Me” by Danielle Viverito and illustrated by Michelle Kohlas

The very timely  and important children’s’ book, My Bully and Me, is a delightful story that describes the feelings, concerns and causes that may result from and contribute to bullying behavior in a way that kids will understand and relate to. Research has demonstrated the destructive and long term effects that bullying often has on the targets, bystanders, the kids who bully, as well as, on the entire school and community. While bullying is complicated, it is also preventable. When we consider that all behavior is purposeful, understanding the need that is driving a behavior is paramount to changing the behavior.

In My Bully and Me, with its colorful illustrations, kids learn empathy by reading about the feelings of sadness, loneliness and fear that a child who is being bullied often has. They also learn that the child who is bullying others usually feels pretty bad themselves. Children are also introduced to possible reasons that children bully others.  In conclusion, children will learn that kids who are bullied as well as kids who bully others need friendship, support and kindness.  This book will leave children with the hope and knowledge that we can stop and prevent bullying when we all work together to support and understand each other.

Review by Ann Gettis, bully prevention specialist and executive director of the nonprofit, Jeremiah’s Hope for Kindness

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